Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Archive for May, 2014

Kubatana’s citizen voice has moved!

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Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 by Amanda Atwood

Hello again. Here is a small update: Kubatana has moved its blog style posts (citizen voice, feedback, and yes the JOBS) to our main website: www.kubatana.net

This website will now be hosting news, updates, citizen feedback, our newsletter and job offerings, the NGO directory, and more. So if you want the latest from Kubatana, make sure to visit our main website: www.kubatana.net

Meanwhile, this blog will still be here “for posterity,” but we won’t be adding to it here – Look for our regularly updated content on www.kubatana.net instead.

And if you’re a researcher looking for our archive of Zimbabwean civil society reports and human rights documents from 2001 – 2013 it’s still there! Just visit archive.kubatana.net and you’ll find all 25,000 documents for your research pleasure.
