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Zimbabwean politics: Theatre of the absurd

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Zimbabwe’s negotiations feel like they’re coming off a Beckett script – going from the ridiculous to the absurd. A recent sketch by Alex Magaisa sums it up better than any news report could – not that you can believe news reports anyway . . .

Prudence: Karigamombe has fallen! Did you hear?

Funny: Are you sure? Who said that?

Reason: You are so yesterday, my friend! It’s everywhere! Everyone is saying Karigamombe fell last night. You are the only one in Jerusalem who does not know what has happened!

Funny: You talk too much, guys. But tell me, where are we right now?

Prudence: Is that not obvious? I thought you are the one who called and said let’s meet paKarigamombe? That’s why we are here and now you ask where are we? Trying to run away from the issue, are we?

Funny: So, tell me my friends, if Karigamombe fell last night, as you say you have seen everywhere, on TV, on the Internet, from friends and impeccable sources, when exactly did Karigamombe rise again? Because, as you yourself have just said, we are here at Karigamombe. Or is it a modern-day miracle, that Karigamombe fell just last night and has now risen so swiftly?

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