Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Drop-outs become grave-diggers

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Yes, it’s good to have our kids back home now that the schools in Zimbabwe have closed for holidays but it’s also interesting to see how life in our high density suburbs changes over this period.

While there are so many libraries in my community you won’t find the kids there. Instead the Internet Cafés are always packed, and the dressing is something else! Half-naked girls and the guys in oversized trousers.

Then suddenly there is confusion between an adult and a student, as the two can now share the same table and drink opaque beer at beer halls.

And there’s chaos at bus terminals creating transport problems because of the students boarding buses and emergency taxis (ET’s) just to have some fun in town.

Sadly, with the desperate socio-eco-political environment and the failing educational system challenges that include astronomically exorbitant fees beyond the reach of the majority, many kids are dropping out of school to become house-maids, well-diggers, grave-diggers and stone crushers.

Poverty, hunger, disease and violence, together with their closest ally, illiteracy, have become distinct features of degraded social conditions in many of our communities. Education, as a vehicle to facilitate peace and development, is undoubtedly of great significance to everyone.

One comment to “Drop-outs become grave-diggers”

  1. Comment by Vinod Mishra:


    I think we are looking at last generation of peace loving people in zimbabwe. Time is comming when Zimbabwe will be known world wide for their criminal activities. Students now instead of going to school want to become mony changer or fule brokers, as it pays more then 1 year salary of a white color job in a day if you strike good deal.

    All educated Zimbabweans working outside countries, who are still in countries waiting for the oppurtunity to go out and work somewhere else. Zimbabwe has already lost lot of their brains to rest of the world. and remaining one will either go or die, new brains are not comming, student are not intrested in getting education. it is creating a serious shortage of edjucated work force in Zimbabwe. It will definitly slow down the recovery process of economy.

    Danger is high rate of school drop outs no teachers in school, and high rate of unemployment people who are employed some of them are just paid enough to pay for combies to home to office and back.

    Bussness are going down, no capital formation. When we use to study inflation in school never realised what it is.