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What’s with boot sandals?

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I love fashion. I seriously do. In fact I sometimes travel the fashion dream express and see myself as a trendsetter. I hear people asking me how I came up with such extraordinary style. I can almost close my eyes as I protect them from the flashing of the camera as I’m writing this. But when reality hits me hard I realize maybe to be up-tempo with fashion and to be in the season of what is happening in the fashion world is not for me. Correct me if I am wrong, but what am I missing here with those boot sandals that have infected the City of Harare? Why on earth would I wear a boot and a sandal at the same time? A boot for winter combined with a summer shoe? Nooooo … On my fashion dream express I do have nightmares. Instead of being commended on wearing such an innovation, I see people laughing behind my back. That shoe is what my nightmares are made of. To me the boot sandal is a fashion boo boo. I will not be caught alive wearing that shoe – never. Why, ah why – seriously ladies – I know things come into fashion and people have to be daring and different and all that but I do not see the fashion and sense of that shoe. Help me out with the math behind a sandal that is a boot. The way they are just asina irombe mutown (if you don’t have it, you are poor). Please enlighten me.

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