Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Stop the violence

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It is unsurprising to hear that youths in Zimbabwe are rampaging. What else do they have to do? There are no jobs. And Zimbabwe has a poorly resourced and outmoded education sector, which equal a grim future. Being reasonably healthy and alive have become liabilities.

What is surprising is that they are rampaging for all the wrong reasons. They have turned into dumb oxen in the middle of a bull run, mindlessly going wherever they are directed. Reports allude to both political parties’ youth wings being involved in inciting and causing violence regardless of the pointedly biased reporting.

The MDC side is said to have been inspired by the Prime Minister’s irresponsible statements implying that a Jasmine Revolution is a much-needed cure-all for the problems that plague this country. Equally culpable is the President who has inconsistently issued weak statements calling for an end to violence in the name of politics.

It is as simple as this: if either side wanted the violence to end, it would.

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