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Voter beware!

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The fact that entrance into politics is now informed by financial rewards that accrue from that office more than anything else for me stands out as one the things that ought to inform how people will vote. But then, “now” seems a misnomer as public office has since independence always been viewed as a springboard to wild riches!

The bitterness that emerged from all political parties concerning who will present their respective parties is enough to point to the very bad turn issues of governance have taken in this country.

And many will readily say this is one of Zanu PF’s legacies that will continue to hound political space years for some time to come even with the coming into power of another political party.

True. Some say while Zanu PF extols itself for bringing independence (remember Chris Mutsvangwa’s SAPES outburst ), it should equally accept that it also institutionalized corruption, cronysim, thievery, where hard work is not a virtue.

I was puzzled the other week when a female MDC-T parliamentary candidate in Bulawayo said her ultimate goal is to become a government minister without any hint of sarcasm.

For one to actually say that openly does raise issues about why these people choose to enter politics in the first place.

It certainly has more to do with the perceived perks than serving God and country, and a person who harbours such ambitions will indeed punch their way into public office, no surprises therefore about the bloody nose some received during the primaries!

Another chap seeking re-election as an MP recently told the courts in a maintenance case hearing that he could not pay the monthly allowance his wife was demanding because parliament, his claimed sole source of income, had been dissolved.

And these are the same people who demand ridiculous allowances from the national purse, imagining that these resources are infinite. And they become career politicians.

That certainly should be a reminder to voters about politicians seeking their vote which these men and women must earn not just regurgitate condescending nonsense imagining they are dealing with an illiterate electorate.

It certainly is time voters interrogated issues, and the very fact that some of these political party manifestos are literally pies in the sky says a lot about politicians thinking voters will believe anything.

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