Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Use your X, not an Axe

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Zimbabweans, wherever you are,
whatever you are doing, or thinking of.
The only smart way of exercising your right
on the 27th June 2008, and in future
is your X, and not your Axe.

However, violence, can be stopped
In this beloved country Zimbabwe today
And in future if we all mark X with a pen
And not with an Axe.

An Axe is used for destruction, taking away
Life from our natural resources and humans.
A pen is used for nation building, making records
For future generations and future office bearers
Let’s all be wise, to use a pen to save lives.

An Axe doesn’t have records, hear me Zimbabweans
It only destructs nature, kills lives just like fire.
Wherever you go today, in prison, offices, schools,
Hotels, at a dip tank, even at a pre-school
You find a pen because it reflects peace and stability.

So, take the pen to stop violence, take the pen
To make records, take the pen to make history.

The history of Zimbabwe, was recorded with a pen!

One comment to “Use your X, not an Axe”

  1. Comment by farai:

    Don’t vote.
    - war veterans confiscated my ID card so I can’t vote
    - I’m visiting my sick mother in…. and this is not my ward for voting. I will vote when I go home later
    - I am bringing food to my family and this is not my ward for voting. I will vote when I go home this afternoon
    - my name is not on the voter’s roll
    - I’m a Malawian/……… I am not allowed to vote.

    or if someone can get hold of ‘the ink’… share it round, then we can all say we’ve voted already.

    city people go to rural area for the day and rural people hide in the bush or go to city areas – all displaced so unable to vote