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Deviate from the blueprint

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Art school taught me that everything fun, anything involving colour, and especially, drawing – was BAD and was never to be done, under any circumstances, ever. So naturally, after graduating (just) and mopping restaurant floors for a couple of years, I decided to have fun, love colour, and make some drawings. And not worry too much about what people thought. Crocodiles, Killer Transvestite Zebras from Outer Space, Minibar/ ATM/ Soundsystems, Penis Enlargement ads, Porn, Storytelling, Films, Rudeness, and Lewdness all evolved quite naturally from that decision. I couldn’t tell you what I will be making in a year’s time. Although I have a plan, it always deviates from the blueprint. Any artist who claims to be absolutely sure of where they’re going is lying.

Read an interview with artist Cameron Platter on Marklives

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