Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Counting on the docility of Zimbabweans

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One of the great things about being part of a network of a wide variety of Zimbabweans is the comments and suggestions that we get at Kubatana.net. Here are some of the most recent ones:

Please if you can contact the MDC Tsvangirai. A recount must not be done. Who was keeping the boxes? Zanu can easily replace the boxes or open the old boxes and remove all the MDC ballot papers. When votes were counted all parties were present and they agreed but when the boxes were moved not all parties were present. – Andrew

It is clear that Mugabe and Zanu heavies do not want to relinquish power despite losing the elections. They will a lot of delaying tactics, counting on the docility of Zimbabweans. It’s no secret that Mugabe can steal our victory from right under our noses and Zimbabweans will just sit back and do nothing: Who wants to be shot down by Mugabe loyalists? What’s the way forward? We should avoid a situation that will force Mugabe to shoot us. Believe me; to Mugabe shooting to death tens of thousands of people to retain power is a walk in the park: He has done it before. So what should the people do? Should we wait patiently? For what? We should do something, but avoid the streets. As I see it, we do not have a legitimate government in power so we should stop obeying the government: Stop paying our bills, stop going to work. In other words make the country ungovernable until Mugabe relinquishes power, but by all means avoid the streets. At all costs.Do you catch my drift? – Shepherd

As we are going to have Independence day very soon on the 18th April, who is going to give the speech as a president because for now we are not having the president. And for the interest’s sake are there any preparations for the day. You know guys Zim is a funny country. – Melody

Let us go out there and wait somewhere everyday. Simply go to the ZEC offices sit outside and wait. Nobody goes to work. We wait. I’m tired of the arrogance. Nobody should be allowed to mess with a nation’s collective voice, the ballot! – Timothy

Its a pity this country is ruled by the army, no wonder why it has collapsed. Kusvika rini Mugabe achingozvuzvurudzwa semwana naChiwenga naShiri? – Felicitas

Could it have been a strategy by the government to introduce new tax bands at a time people are preoccupied with elections results. I realise that people are more keenly following the drama unfolding regarding elections without impressing upon ZCTU to make the proposed taxation levels an issue with government.Was it also a planned thing to introduce this issue when there is no sworn in cabinet. In any case, was it proper for a ‘cabinet minister’ to announce these taxation changes after dissolution of cabinet. So effectively we do not have any minister to address our issues to? I think I might be lost here. Advise me. – Alfonzy

3 comments to “Counting on the docility of Zimbabweans”

  1. Comment by farai:

    Now that Amani Trust is not there who is documenting torture and abuses? Is there a website that collects and publishes?

  2. Comment by Mwana WeZimbabwe:

    I certainly agree, no re-count!!!!!!!!!! I have watched the news like a farmer waiting for the rains, but the rains in form of presidential election results have not come. For how long shall Mugabe treat us like we are his little dolls that he can play with. I am so ashamed at our Leaders in Africa. They are nothing but toothless old groonies who have no clue as to what it is to stand for the people. Mbeki behaves like he is Mugabe’s girlfriend. How can he say there is no crisis in Zimbabwe. The truth of the matter is that Mbeki knows that well educated Zimbabweans hold his economy and he knows that in Southern Africa, Zimbabwe is the only country that has the potential to out-do South Africa. So a Zimbabwe on its knees is fine for him. The SADCC is just a bunch of witless leaders. They fear Mugabe like he holds the keys to their next breath.
    Therefore under no circumstances should the votes be re-counted. Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

  3. Comment by dread:

    Well even a blind man can see how stupid the Zanu PF idiots are acting, How can they say they need a recount, when the Zanu Pf controlled courts denied Tsvangirayi a recount in 2000 unharmonise elections. How long do they need to see us suffering. If ever there is an act of satarnism, there is no any other than what Zanu Pf Is doing.

    This group of satanists want to see us bleeding to death so that they can feed on our blood. they want to see us queing for everything to feed our families. Zimbabwe does not belong to them neither does it belong to Chihuri nor Chiwenga the two angels of darkness. You know it is not good to wish one DEATH , but the nation is forced to wish so,

    Please Mbeki stay out of the mediating process you are useless, Maybe Zuma is the best man to deal with the situation

    May Lucifa bless them