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Zimbabwe’s unity government and their excess baggage

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I spoke with someone today who has an inside track into the MDC. She said that one of the reasons why it was good that the politicians went retreating to Victoria Falls is that they would have been interrupted, or not bothered enough to turn up to sessions in Harare. Makes you shudder doesn’t it? That our politicians need to be flown and put up at great expense because they aren’t professional or serious enough to do their jobs properly in Harare.

Meanwhile there is gathering outrage over the speedy profligacy of the new Government.

Robert, a Kubatana subscriber had this to say:

I am equally angered about the issue of Mercs. How many teachers can we pay from just saving on 1 Merc. Those beasts cost at least US$40 000 and that would be 40 000 teachers on US$100 allowance, can you imagine at least 50 of those machines….shame! I am really not impressed with the insensitivity especially of MDC Ministers. I am also not impressed by what I seem to see as the mindset of MDC as shown by the rhetoric coming from Minister Biti. I know the government is broke but I also don’t understand this issue of flying all over the world trying to borrow money we know we are not going to be able to pay back. Since independence our government did not borrow anything close a billion USS$ at once and we are going for at least $5B, who is going to pay for it? Why are we running to borrow from others when we have not tried to make sure that the money we have is allocated and used effectively. Why can’t we for example reduce the size of the cabinet and executive as a starting sacrifice for the people of Zimbabwe. Until and unless the cabinet is trimmed to suit our pocket, I will not take MDC, Biti and the unity governement seriously.

And an interesting article by Tanonoka Joseph Whande with the amusing title of Victoria Falls, here comes your Prime Minister with extra baggage! is worth reading in full but here’s an excerpt:

The Government of National Unity (GNU) has been in existence for less than two months now. Since February the main actors in this government have been contradicting each other at almost every turn. We have three unnecessary presidents, along with three Prime Ministers who are superfluous to our requirements; all complemented by more than 71 cabinet ministers and countless permanent secretaries. It appears that they are tired already and needed to seek renewal. They all descended on Victoria Falls over the weekend. As a Catholic I am familiar with retreats. When priests are under pressure and need invigoration and renewal they go on a retreat. Listening to and carrying the transgressions of all the sinners can leave any priest drained and powerless. The Oxford dictionary says a retreat is “withdrawing from confrontation with enemy forces”. It is also “a withdrawal to a quiet or secluded place” or just “a period or place of seclusion for prayer and meditation”. Which one of these descriptions best fits Zanu-PF and the MDC in Victoria Falls? Was it prayer and meditation; withdrawing from confrontation with enemy forces or simply the first stop of the GNU gravy train? Less than sixty days into office, the work horses of Zimbabwe’s government of national unity are so tired that they need to go on a retreat. And they are did it at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe’s most expensive tourist destination.

One comment to “Zimbabwe’s unity government and their excess baggage”

  1. Comment by Patricia McFadden:

    Well…so the moment of truth about the petite bourgeoisie has finally arrived and it is not pretty..but this is what people demanded without the necessary critical analysis and courage to look past the outrage ( which is always a necessity under neocolonialism) and the hype…yes..lots of hype ..to arrive at the moment when most will remain where they are…and probably be in an even worse-off place after the international vultures have picked every bone clean in the national cupboard….and so…hands in the fire again this time…and it burns like hell… Has the lesson of paying attention to the real identity and history of those who scream words that sound like they are about ‘all of us’ been learnt? I doubt it…but maybe the next time around there will be more caution about giving up our futures to whoever claims that they will bring us a better day. The historical fact is that no where in human history have those who occupy class-based states ever given the working people anything…what ever the people acquire is always through their own struggles, sweat and vigilance…and never ever through the mediation of frauds who wear the language and the gestures of the socially excluded. Learn from the bitter lessons of betrayal and craft your own future…and stop complaining…it won’t change anything..
    Patricia McFadden, African Feminist, Harare, Zimbabwe