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Zimbabwe Republic Police Complaints Line

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From the ZRP Public Relations department:

If you feel that while you are being questioned or searched at a roadblock, the details involved have harassed you, hinted for bribes, or been generally aggressive, you are advised to contact the ZRP Officers listed below.

The intention is for all ZRP details to have their rank, name and numbers on their uniforms but with current constraints this is not always possible.  Each Police Officer has a force number which should be given out if requested.

It should be noted that there are NO SUCH THING AS SPOT FINES, without an OFFICIAL RECEIPT, that is Form Z69 (j) Admission of Guilt.  Many Toad Blocks carry Z69 (j) for the convenience of the public.  Should it be inconvenient to pay immediately a “ticket” on Form 265 for payment at a Police Station within 7 days should be requested.  Failure to report to a Police Station within 7 days once Form 265 is issued will lead to prosecution.

Superintendent NCUBE: 0772 719 730 or 0712 769 768
Superintendent KANGWARE: 0712 415 491
Spokesperson Traffic Inspector Chigome: 0772 965 030

NATIONAL COMPLAINTS LINE: 24 HOUR Service (04) 703 631

It might seem hysterical, but I suggest you print this and keep it in your car.

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