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Zimbabwe regime criminalizes people for thinking differently

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I can’t believe that there are young Zimbabweans, particularly born frees, who think that its hip to wear clothes with an R G Mugabe label. I mean how far out of touch with real politics can you be? What’s the state of the UZ like, where are the jobs, what does your future look like – selling airtime at traffic intersections? These kids might look sharp, but they certainly aren’t sharp. And doesn’t this quote, from the person behind the House of Gushungo, make you want to roll about: “The president does not want to make money.”

Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) … it’s all fair and fine to come out and declare whether you’re a Yes or a No in regard to the referendum but it’s disappointing to see WOZA jump on the “we’ve decided yes so you come along and vote yes too” bandwagon. “WOZA call on Zimbabweans to turn out in their millions and exercise their right to vote peacefully and to vote YES for the parliamentary select committee draft constitution.” WOZA – democracy 101: it’s about choice … full stop after peacefully, please.

Until we challenge this ridiculous notion that there is only One Way and its The Way, we’re in trouble. It is unacceptable that a Zimbabwean gets arrested for putting up a Vote No poster. Meanwhile there is encouragement to Vote Yes every which way you look. In Zimbabwe the regime criminalizes people for thinking differently. This has to stop.

3 comments to “Zimbabwe regime criminalizes people for thinking differently”

  1. Comment by tinashettt:

    you talking sense especially on the issue of imposing ideas on others and forcing pple to accept what they dont want for their own good

  2. Comment by Tafadzwa:

    You start by saying u can not believe, now I think you better start believing because I for one love Mugabe and there are a lot more who also love him. Proudly Zimbo..

  3. Comment by WOZA:

    It a democratic right to come up with a view, especially after consultation and to then conduct lobby and advocacy for it based on your point of view? Thank you for the criticism but it would have been good to say well done to WOZA for at least consulting so many don’t bother but make statements on behalf of others.