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Zimbabwe celebrates National Library Week

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Letter to the librarian

You are the heart where arteries of knowledge congregate
The root that binds fibres of worldly wisdom
A rock where intellectual imbibers chisel and curve their creative granules
Bring me, the IPAD to connect to the universe

Bring the search engine to sieve juices of life
You are the nutrition of psyche.

Bring books from Tolstoy, DH Lawrence, Jon Donne, Maya Angelou
The poetic, the academic, the scholarly

Mr and Mrs Librarian where minds meet
Mrs and Mr Librarian my mental fodder
Mr and Mrs Librarian my intellectual drumstick

My soapstone for my wisdom sculptor
My oozing oasis for my PhD
My running river for my dissertation
My rich spring for my Communications assignment.

Your womb vomited, presidents, poets,
Ministers, medics, bishops, engineers, mothers
Your womb vomited our past, our today and our future

You are the inspiration that break with sun
To the world, let our guns and swords be books

Mr and Mrs Librarian, This is my letter to you

You are cemetery with live skulls of knowledge

Mbizo Chirasha aka The Black Poet

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