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Workers Day Solidarity Statement

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The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe has just issued the following statement:


29 April 2011

The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) joins the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and all Zimbabweans in commemorating Workers Day on May 1 2011.  This year’s commemorations which are to be held under the theme, ‘Respect our Rights, Save the Economy, Save Our Jobs,’ are significant in that they reflect the continued commitment to the pursuit of better livelihoods by all workers in Zimbabwe. This is despite the fact that the majority of workers are still surviving under difficult circumstances due to the high cost of living as well as the lack of adequate provision of social services.

In tandem with its mandate and mission, the VMCZ also takes this opportunity to express gratitude to the workers through their national union, the ZCTU, for their principled belief in the necessity of freedom of expression and freedom of information for the realization of better working and living conditions for all in Zimbabwe. Indeed, the VMCZ, as an organization with a mandate to ensure self regulation of the media, derives strength not only from the media fraternity but also from the working people of Zimbabwe who are keen on seeing a fair, balanced and accountable media.

Indeed as stated by the ZCTU in the May Day celebrations of 2009 and 2010, it may be dawn, but workers must continue the struggle. The VMCZ urges the ZCTU to continue with the same understanding over and about the struggle for media freedom in the country. This is because although the print media has expanded, there are still no changes to the electronic broadcast media, with ZBC enjoying a patently biased monopoly of our airwaves.

Once again, the VMCZ congratulates the ZCTU and the working people of Zimbabwe on this occasion of the 2011 May Day celebrations.

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