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We were told to vote yes so we voted yes

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Zimbabweans all over the country continue to share their experience of voting in today’s constitutional referendum:

Never saw & taught of the constitutional contents why bothering 2 vote? Voter turnout very poor, Chivi area.

I am at Strathaven shops. Everything okay, people coming: all citizens black, yellow, brown, whites voting.

People don’t know what they are voting for but still they are going to vote becoz they were told to vote yes. It’s calm and peaceful at this side.

The voting of a new constitution in my constituency has been very overwhelming and also noted that some 16-17yr olds who wanted to vote were denied bcoz of age restrictions which really shows that today’s youth want to shape their future by actively exercising their right.

I am in Hatfield, Harare. I voted yes at Hatfield Junior School in the morning together with my wife. I have seen the levels of interest among voters. Of all people, young ladies and man, who have previously shunned local polls, were coming in numbers of unusual dimension. I also liked the long queues in Mbare when I later visited there. Great polling staff too.

Voting for the new constitution is going on very well here in Gokwe though the turnout is very low. People generally don’t know what are they voting for. The only people who are voting are the informed and the literate. No violence recorded so far.

It is not possible for the nation to vote ‘yes’ becoz at least half of the nation did not get the copy of the draft constitution therefore it is wise for the nation to vote ‘no’.

Voting @ Tokwe Primary School, Ward 11, Chivi South started on schedule @7am & by lunchtime some 300 had voted. Peace prevails with no political party activities visible on the ground.

Some people do not vote, is it ignorance or they do not know their rights?

Central Harare is unusually quiet. Most people seem to have taken this moment seriously & it’s a historic moment.

We’ve cast our votes for better change: we want better life not poverty.

What’s shocking in Masvingo West is that people a voting for something they do not know, they were simply told to vote “yes” by their respective parties and they doing just that without any knowledge of what their yes means. Voter turnout high.

People are voting in large numbers at Arcturus but 95% have never come across the Constitution including me.

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