Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

We are the ones the run off is waiting for

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The MDC has decided to participate in a presidential run off. Many of our subscribers would support them in this decision. However, many of these same subscribers want to see the run off happen only if certain conditions are met. These are similar to the MDC’s own conditions, including:

  • Run-off to take place within two weeks, not later than 23rd May
  • Cessation of violence
  • Unfettered access for international observers
  • SADC peacekeeping force on the ground
  • Re-constitution of ZEC
  • Free press – local and international

But the deadline for when the run off should have been (no later than three weeks after the presidential results were announced – namely 23 May) is fast approaching, and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission can only say it will announce the date “later.” It also says it’s broke – and has no money to hold a run off. Never mind that it knew a run off was a possibility, and should have budgeted accordingly.

True, a run off would be costly, and would put this already bankrupt country even further in debt. But a run off is what is required by law. And lack of funds didn’t stop the government from paying off war veterans, or financing a war in the DRC, or buying bakkies for chiefs and tractors for new farmers in blatant vote buying schemes . . .

So clearly lack of funds isn’t the real reason this run off isn’t happening.

It isn’t happening because Mugabe doesn’t want it to happen. He’s got no interest in pursuing anything that even vaguely resembles genuine democracy. And now that he’s afraid he could lose even his rigged elections, he’s lost interest in them as well.

A run off isn’t going to happen unless we – the MDC, civil society, and all Zimbabweans – make it happen.

To that end, we sought advice from our mobile subscribers and asked them this question:

Kubatana! The MDC says it will contest in a runoff. ZEC says it doesn’t have enough money to hold runoff. How do we protect our democracy?

We got some interesting responses, including:

Can’t we ask for financial assistance from the international community to enable the runoff to go ahead?

ZEC shld look for money outside e country or they just declare the winner

Zim pple who want a better future need 2 be united now more than ever and conduct an indefinite national strike so as 2 cripple the junta.

Ask Gono to print some for you?

If ZEC does not have money to conduct a run off why don’t they appeal to the int community so that we have a leader once and for all.

I think we as Zimbabweans should take it 2 the streets with protests showing that we want the runoff 2 take place ASAP!

Patience pays though we’ve to pressurise the regional & international communities to intervene despite refusal by ZANU PF.

Where is Gono? Where did ZEC get the first money?

National unity gvt the leading candidate be the leader & the run up deputise!

The Morgan should be declared the winner

The most popular leader should run the country until ZEC has resources

Peaceful non violent social action!

Appeal for donor funds with MDC conditions to end atrocities

ZEC can recommend zanu 2 get a refund from china 4 the goods in the ship of death and use the money 4 elections. Tamirira kuvhota isu vari kutinonokera

Get Round one winner to form an interim govt and the losers to hand ova power

MDC’s decision to contest in the run-off is a brilliant step to democracy. The only way to protect our democracy is to restore our faith in MDC. It is nonsense for ZEC to say they have inadequate money. ZEC is state owned so GONO must simply inject more funding for the run-off . Akambogadzira mari yeMurambatsvina saka chingamutadzisa kuprinta mari yerun off chii? ZEC is now bankrupt becoz mari yese yakaperera kumarecounts that yield nothing. Shame on ZEC

What do you think? How do we for once stand up for ourselves and make this run off happen – and make the regime respect the result once it does?

Text your ideas to +263 912 452 201

One comment to “We are the ones the run off is waiting for”

  1. Comment by Uncle Elvis:

    Um… if the ZEC, a Government body, says that there can’t be a runoff, for whatever reason, doesn’t it make sense that the person with the most votes in the original election should be declared the winner?

    Oh, wait… I just said “doesn’t it make sense…” about something to do with the Zimbabwe Government.

    Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.