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Use your presidential powers for good

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I felt my stomach drop before my mind had even consciously registered the sound: Sirens. On my way to work this morning, the car I was in had to pull over to let the Presidential motorcade pass. As we waited, we watched the outriders bully cars into various positions. I felt angry with the power they were exerting; and helpless in the face of my own fear: Don’t let them come here.

The motorcade whizzed past, the police drove their motorcycles drove off, and I finally exhaled.

Overall, it was less than five minutes – but it cast a shadow over my whole morning.

If I were president, I’d want my five minute morning encounters with motorists and pedestrians to make the hundreds of people I pass each day feel better -  not worse. Okay, so maybe I wouldn’t dish out candy and flowers every day. But surely the daily show of force and aggression does more harm than good?

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