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Tribute to Albertina Sisulu

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Action for Southern Africa press release
3 June, 2011 [London, UK]
For immediate release

Albertina Sisulu: a tribute from Action for Southern Africa

Albertina Sisulu who has died aged 92 is one of the truly inspirational and heroic figures in South Africa’s struggle against apartheid, for democracy and rights. ACTSA joins with the people of South Africa in mourning her passing, remembering her qualities, achievements and celebrating her life.

Albertina Sisulu was selfless and steadfast. She was an activist who by her actions, values and example inspired others. The injustices of apartheid compelled her to take a stance for democracy and dignity. She was the rock that Walter Sisulu could rely on.

Albertina showed what a person could contribute as a leading part of a progressive and transformational movement for change. Her openness, integrity and decency shone through. She is rightly remembered as one who suffered greatly for her beliefs and actions but also transcended these to make an immense contribution to the democratic South Africa of today.

Albertina’s life and example should inspire us to renew our efforts to create a better, fairer, more just and sustainable world imbued with respect and dignity.

Statement from the Founding of the UDF

“We, the freedom-loving people of SA, say with one voice to the whole world that we cherish the vision of a united democratic South Africa based on the will of the people. We will strive for unity of all people through united action against the evils of apartheid … and in our march to a free and just South Africa we are guided by these noble ideals, we stand for the creation of a true democracy in which all South Africans will participate in the government of our country, stand for a single, non-racial, unfragmented South Africa, a South Africa free of Bantustans and Group Areas. We say that all forms of oppression and exploitation must end.”


1.  Albertina Sisulu born 1918, died 2 June 2011

2. She was President of the United Democratic Front (UDF) formed in 1983 in South Africa as the ANC and other organisations were banned at that time.  The UDF brought together the trade unions, churches and civil society organisations which linked to the liberation movement and mobilised communities to overcome apartheid.

3.  Imprisoned many times Albertina was banned for longer than any other person by the apartheid regime.

4. She was married to Walter Sisulu, he died in 2003. Walter was mentor to Nelson Mandela and sentenced to life imprisonment alongside him in 1964 and released in 1989.

5. Action for Southern Africa is the successor to the Anti Apartheid Movement, it campaigns for justice, rights and development in solidarity with the people of southern Africa.

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