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Tit for tat with dead bodies

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I was sitting in the car park at work yesterday morning listening to Where do I begin and waiting for my hiccups to stop. Although I had to hold my breath in anticipation of hitting uncountable and 9 potholes on my way to work it didn’t help in getting rid of my hiccups. So whilst I was waiting for them to Be Gone I was reflecting on the headlines in The Sunday Mail.

These included the very convenient exhumation of bodies from massacres during the Rhodesian war. Hey, go figure, we are even More Unpopular and we don’t have the Land Card any more and the Anti-Sanctions Petition is like really hard work to get going, so maybe its a good time to dig up some remains and work them politically. Of course now we have the MDC playing tit for tat with corpses saying that if ZPF want to revisit the nastiness of the Whites, then lets revisit the nastiness of the perpetrators of Gukurahundi.

That’s politics for you.

And then the Sunday Mail has this really big photo of some White farmer type signing the Anti-Sanctions Petition, whoop, whoop … is that the 27th signature that they’ve got?

Meanwhile last Saturday I got a text message from Econet apologising for postponing the draw for prizes that they were going to have that day in Harare Gardens. I wondered whether the Hand of Chihuri was involved. I mean, let’s face it, an Econet draw to win a car and some other stuff is certainly more likely to bring in the crowds than a ZPF or MDC rally and maybe that is dangerous – you know people gathering in large numbers and all that.

Seems to me that just now there’s going to be a limit set on how many people can walk down First Street at any given time just in case they come over all Egyptian.

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