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This “chick” is sensitive to sexism

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Okay. So everyone knows that buying day-old chicks, feeding them up, and selling them once they’re big puts money in your pocket. So clearly, that’s not the kind of chick the “Truly Zimbabwean” company Lunar Chickens is talking about here.

Rather, my inference from this recent newspaper advert is that “chicks” (read women, wives, small houses, girl friends, etc) take money from your pocket, unlike these day-old chicks.  I contacted Lunar Chickens on Monday asking them to clarify, but I have yet to hear back from them.

Okay, so I’m sensitive. And sure, I can see the humour they’re going for. But Zimbabwe has enough problems with sexism. This really isn’t the kind of advert we need doing the rounds – during 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, or any other time.

I expect better from Lunar Chickens, and from Barkers Ogilvy, the agency behind this advert.

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