Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

The rest is history

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It’s the first working day of the New Year and I’ve been checking out the emails that have come in over the holiday. One of them suggested various ways to work off all that Fruit Cake. I smiled because if you’re Zimbabwean you don’t have to do a lot of working off of any excess. Simply because there’s not a helluva lot to consume in the first place. Take my Christmas Eve dinner for example: bacon, eggs and Jack Daniels. I was lucky to inherit Jack from a friend who left the country recently.

But one of my favourite emails came from Lionel who says some useful stuff . .

It has been a hard year for all but I wish you all a very happy new year and a prosperous one at it too. Let us hope that all parties concerned really begin to think of all the people of our country and not just their petty power grabbing techniques. A new beginning means everyones participation, as we have all learned, a country does not run on politicians only. They need people to do the other very important tasks, like teaching, doctoring and sweeping the street. No job is menial and as Africans we must get out of the habit that only degrees count. There is a man there with a lot of degrees but what has he done? The rest is history. Now you all have a good day and we will catch up in the New Year.

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