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The need for change ought to be infectious

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It’s less than 24 hours before e-day and I’m wondering to myself why I don’t feel as excited as most of my colleagues. I mean this is the mother of all elections, and the anticipation and the need for change that ought to be infectious seems to be having no effect on me. Not intending to cloud everyone else’s excitement though I’ll tell you how I feel. I have this greatest sense of foreboding. Yeah, a couple of my friends are convinced I’m just a natural pessimist but I tell you, this cloud hanging over me is so real – nothing to do with pessimism this.

Why do I feel this way? Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure whether I’m afraid of disappointment, or if by some lucky streak, “change” does hit us, will it be more of the same old? I’m kind of finding it hard to imagine that should Bob lose the election, he’d be out of State House in exactly 72hours.

I’m afraid of all kinds of things that may happen, the irony of the possibility of finally having Zimbabwe’s life president ousted, even though he swore it would never happen in his lifetime. I’ll tell you what would more ironic than that though. It is having the little known, much underestimated Langton Towungana win the presidential race.

I wonder if I’m the only one who feels strange . . .

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