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The death that wasn’t

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In a story that originated with the Zimbabwe Mail, Our Dear Leader is reportedly battling for his life in Singapore. The online news publication, owned and operated in the United Kingdom, quotes a ‘senior ZANU-PF’ official who conveniently cannot be named. As with anything concerning Our Dear Leader’s health, several supposedly reputable news outlets ignored their better journalistic instincts and regurgitated the story without first checking its veracity. A Google search produces 268 reproductions of the story based on what is essentially a rumour, founded no doubt, in drunken speculation in a London pub.

Meanwhile, back in Zimbabwe, several named senior ZANU PF officials are cited as sources by the Guardian who variously say that there is nothing wrong with Our Dear Leader, and he will be returning for his Easter Holiday/ Shopping Trip/ visit to supervise his daughter’s studies tomorrow. Minister of Information Webster Shamu is quoted as merely saying

“If anything like that had happened we would issue a statement.’

Our Dear Leader has died many times in online publications, especially those edited by Zimbabweans in the Diaspora. This speaks more to their own personal ambitions and failings as journalists than it does to Our Dear Leader’s health. No one is more aware of this that the subject of the rumours who earlier this year joked in an interview

“I have died many times. That’s where I have beaten Christ. Christ died once and resurrected once. I don’t know how many times I will die and resurrect.”

Until Minister Shamu’s statement is issued rumours of Our Dear Leader’s demise will always be greatly exaggerated.

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