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Tea time

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I’ve just come back from a visit to Dr Paul, my dentist. Thankfully this morning there was power so I didn’t have to worry about any drilling being interrupted. After my injection I lay back and gazed at a big tiger fish mounted on his wall, its teeth bared to the world. Unlike me the creature has (had) a fine set of pearlies. To make conversation (I like to get on the right side of a dentist) I asked Dr Paul how long it had taken to land the fish seeing as it looked like quite a big buggar. He snorted and and said 10 minutes. On my way back to the office I saw Zimbabweans waiting in queues in TM supermarket clutching US$1 notes. And I saw Zimbabwean bank notes, or bearer cheques, whatever you want to call them, floating in dirty puddles outside Barclays Bank. Too useless to use.

One comment to “Tea time”

  1. Comment by Sophie:

    This then gives credence to why everyone in formal employment wanting to be paid in hard currency while it makes a mockery of the govt’s refusal of an offer to pay teachers in USD. It just doesn’t make sense. My sister who is a teacher earned 10 cents today as her Jan 09 salary. She is a university graduate!!