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State tabloid pushing sales through pornography

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According to the laws of the country of Zimbabwe, to be found in possession of pornographic material constitutes an offence. So if what was on the front page today of the state weekly H-Metro newspaper doesn’t constitute a crime then maybe that law should be checked again. The tabloid, which publishes events happening on the social scene and nightlife, has developed a habit following people in their private lives and in public places. With the belief that sex sells, the weekly tabloid has been publishing nude pictures of people caught in uncompromising positions.

A couple of months ago in one of its nightlife adventures the tabloid published images of a popular pole dancer entertaining men at a local nightclub through her usual sexually gyrating moves. I guess this was the beginning of a marketing strategy of pushing sales through the use explicit material. Today’s copy of the tabloid was awash with obscene pictures of the same dancer but this time with the addition of bottles to spice up her show. The images, which featured the pole dancer inserting the tip of a bottle of a popular beer brand in her privates, were outrageous. I guess if the tabloid was privately owned we’d be reading of arrests before the end of the day.

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