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Small steps toward transition

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Last time I wrote I was talking about Transitional Justice, it’s benefits and so on and so on. I got thinking: for Transitional Justice to be implemented, we need a Transitional Government right? But the question is, are we seeing any transitional happenings? I for one have seen tangible change. I believe in transition you see, in moving on with the little things in life. I try to picture Zimbabwe two years back; it was a mess and I remember the days when I would go to sleep on an empty stomach. Zimbabwe has changed. It is slowly moving on and I think it’s our duty as Zimbos to see transition in our day-to-day life. I am queuing at Chicken Inn waiting my turn coz, yes, they now have potatoes to make the hot chips which they did not have towards end of year 2008.  And at that moment I forget those sleepless nights of hunger. My point is if you have moments when you forget what happened to you during those horrid times you are slowly moving on and forgetting and hopefully forgiving. Like with Chicken Inn – I had vowed I would never eat there ever again. But two days ago I was there queuing at the end of a long queue all forgiven and totally forgotten. So maybe don’t answer my question. If you and I move on and start to forget the Zimbabwe we lived in a couple of years ago, maybe we don’t need to look to the government for transition.

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