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Set your priorities straight in 2012

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It is the New Year and I believe most of you celebrated the New Year with a party with your loved ones. It is time to realign your energy. Start the new year by loving yourself because you cannot love others if you don’t start by loving yourself.  Learn to forgive others though sometimes it is difficult to let go of grudges. Sometimes you have to let go off the past and renew your vision. If you were not talking to your neighbour in the previous year because his dog gave you sleepless nights its time to surprise him with a morning greeting. Make your health your first priority every morning because if you fall sick all your plans for the year will fail.

Set your New Year resolutions correctly and be positive, don’t be like me … I have already broken one my New Year resolutions! Choose to be a leader in 2012 and not to always be in the background. If the elections being planned in this country are going to be held this year surprise people by throwing in your name to be voted for, be it for council, parliament or presidential elections. Create an opportunity for yourself in 2012 when others are complaining of economic down turns – who knows maybe you may hit the jackpot!

Have hope that everything will be fine in 2012 and make your dreams come alive.

Happy New Year!

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