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Selective Foreign-ification

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According to the Standard this week:

Foreign-owned companies opposed to the country’s indigenisation and empowerment laws must shut operations and relocate to their countries of origin, Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment Saviour Kasukuwere said last week. He said Chinese and Indian investors were ready to take over foreign-owned companies that are resisting to hand over 51% shareholding to black Zimbabweans, adding that Far East countries were ready to comply with the country’s empowerment laws.

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Because Chinese and Indian investors are not foreign? Or maybe some foreigners are just more equal than others.

One comment to “Selective Foreign-ification”

  1. Comment by Christian Allard:

    Because Chinese and Indian investors are happy to own less than 50% of Zimbabwean-owned companies while we, in the west, want to retain full control of the economies of nations in Africa.
    The British Empire is no more, move on.