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See water, must make splash

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Yes, it is entitled “the accident”, and I have tried but can’t seem to bring myself to think about the detail of my husband’s accident, 4 weeks ago today, let alone put it on paper. So much for the therapeutic benefits of writing. So we shall just put it on the back burner for a while (don’t hold your breath).

I played golf yesterday afternoon with my family. Needless to say, my son and husband took me to the cleaners. I was going to say they put me to shame, but let’s not rub it in. My son is 4 and my husband played with one hand (his left).  My daughter bowed out gracefully early on, after several swipes at the ball. The poor sod has inherited my lack of ball skills and athletic talent. I don’t know whether to warn her now that she will always be in the snail race at sports day, with the overweight people, and will inevitably be selected for tug-of-war simply because everyone will feel she is being left out. I didn’t display any of my daughter’s dignity and continued to slog away for 9 holes. With age has come a certain perseverance … gritted teeth, clenched jaw … I will not be outsmarted by a damn ball @$#%!

But the sky was blue, we saw lots of birds, and I only lost 3 balls. My husband, Graham eventually suggested teeing off from the other side of the water. In my case it was a case of “see water – must make splash”. It was instinctive, I just couldn’t fight it.

This morning I find myself miraculously free of aches and pains. I’m so proud – this MUST mean I’m fitter! But watch, tomorrow I will be unable to brush my teeth!

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