Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists


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awash in slanting winter sun
birdsong singing my cells
breathe in light
breathe out peace

a flash of news before the electricity goes
the BBC announces that
‘the UN Security Council has been unable to declare sanctions on Zimbabwe’

and I see the fear
in eyes of the child watching his father being taken into hiding

grief washing my cells
will there be no end?

the structures that are supposed to hold this in place
cannot hold back this violence

breathe in light

each step we move closer to the edge

when we leap into the chasm
trusting that we will be held by
the invisible web

One comment to “Saturday”

  1. Comment by Bruce Reeler:

    Hi Bev Reeler,

    I came across your entries on this blog whilst googling for Reelers on the web. Don’t know how you people live in Zim. I don’t know how hyperinflation allows people to survive! As an ex Soth African (now in Saudi Arabia!) I can sympathize with the issues you are facing.

    Send me an email if you have time!

    Regards and thoughts
    Bruce Reeler