Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Reflective vests

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My friend was recently stopped at a police roadblock in Harare. The police officer requested to see her license, which she showed him. She said he went on to check the motor vehicle license disk whilst still examining the driver’s license. And when he got back to the driver’s window he requested to see the fire extinguisher and other safety accessories. She opened the boot where her fire extinguisher, two reflective triangles, reflective vest, spare wheel, jack and the wheel spanner were. To her surprise the police officer told her to hang the reflective vest on the driver’s seat.  And yes she was so shocked. It’s true that most motorists in the city have their reflective vests hung on the driver’s seat but is it mandatory for one to do so? When she shared the story I was equally shocked but for a while I thought she was joking until she convinced me that it happened. I thought that this was Zimbabwe police’s ‘latest’ line in trying to find fault with motorists.

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