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People who flush together, make revolution together?

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Only in Zimbabwe … how much shit from this incompetent government will we continue to tolerate?

Bulawayo City Council has come up with a system that will see all residents flushing their toilets simultaneously to prevent sewer blockages caused by the water-shedding programme.

“The public is advised that there is a need to schedule a flush exercise of the reticulation system in all areas that do not use septic tanks,” council spokesperson Nesisa Mpofu said yesterday.

“This is due to the recent water shedding programme by council, which has seen a reduced amount of water entering the sewerage system.

“All residents of Bulawayo are invited and expected to participate in this exercise.

“Every household is requested to flush their toilets systematically at 7.30pm the very day after the 72hours of water shedding.

“This is done to prevent any sewer blockages as we anticipate longer periods without water in the reticulation system.

“Please note that this is in addition to the normal flushing that will occur during the day.”

She appealed to residents to conserve water in order to minimise the impact of the shedding exercise.

Industrial and the central business district are exempt from the water-shedding programme.

Bulawayo is facing severe water shortages after two main supply dams were decommissioned.

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