Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

NGO job vacancies in Zimbabwe

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Hey! Need a job? Want to work in the NGO/development sector in Zimbabwe? Check out the job vacancies below and apply today. If you want to receive regular civic and human rights information, together with NGO job vacancies and other opportunities like scholarships by getting our regular email newsletter, please email join [at] kubatana [dot] net

Community Publishing Assistant: Africa Community Publishing and Development Trust (ACPDT)
Deadline: 31 May 2013

-Edit, and develop youth and children’s voices.
-Update ACPD’s website and publish community publishing messages electronically
-Update previous publications.
-Documentary and community based research.
-Co-facilitate with community publishing workshops.
-Edit local publications.
-Preparatory documents, testing and final checking of national publications.
-Assist with the monitoring of readership responses.
-Write proposals and reports for the department and edit organisational documents produced by other departments.
-In-house training

Qualifications and Requirements
-A relevant degree
-Strong research, analytical thinking, writing and editing skills, demonstrated in published work
-Strong human relations and team building skills
-Strong motivation to learn
-New media skills
-At least 5 years relevant experience
-Commitment to social justice, and compatibility with ACPD’s vision, mission, values and principles

To apply
Please send in your applications to The Admin Coordinator: allienp [at] acpdt [dot] org

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