Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Make sure you know what you’re voting for

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Kubatana recently asked citizens what question they would ask their councillors, MPs and presidential candidates. It is sad to note that the same tendency still exists in both political parties where councillors or MPs only resurface during election time. Thus many citizens want to ask them where their political representative has been hiding. And of course the Constituency Development Fund is the next question in line: What did you do with our money?

It is important that the electorate make the right decisions when choosing their leaders in their ward, constituency and country. But due to the fact the playing ground for all political parties and independent candidates is not level, we find that some candidates fail to reach out to the people. And the voters end up making uninformed decisions when choosing the candidate to vote for.

The Media Alliance of Zimbabwe and Combined Harare Residents Association are engaging in activities under the Right to Information campaign. They have come up with a newsletter, which will ensure access to information regarding the upcoming election. One broad area the newsletter will cover is the parties, candidates and their proposals. The first issue of the Election Special publication featured the five presidential candidates. Before one votes it is important they have full knowledge of what and whom they are voting for.

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