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Looking forward to next years elections: beware Zanu PF

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Here’s a Kubatana subscriber’s response to Mugabe’s unacceptably large delegations when he travels overseas. Fighting talk, and fighting spirit – we need more Zimbabweans to speak out about the abuse of power.

It boggles my mind how Mugabe can travel with such a large delegation, surely there is no need for that.  How much is such a huge delegation costing the taxpayer for accommodation which must be the best, allowances, etc.  Ridiculous!!!  That money can be used to feed thousands of starving children and old people.

The trips to see the ‘eye specialist’ almost every other month is another waste of money.  We have very good eye specialists here so what is wrong with seeing one of them?

Why was his wife part of that delegation?  No, don’t answer that – SHOPPING!!!!   I’m glad she now knows what it feels like to have her visa application denied.  Also to threaten Switzerland is very childish on his part and shows how his mind works now.

My 11 year old daughter was denied a visa to visit my daughter in the UK (accompanied by me) on the grounds that she was going to look for employment there – did I threaten them although their claim was very stupid to say the least? NO!!!!

I look forward to next years elections.

Aluta Continua!!

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  1. Comment by tapuwa:
