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marklives_rubbishbins_090403cAs Bev pointed out a month or so ago, we’ve started getting these fantastic little occasional newsletters from MarkLives. They point out highlights in art, design and technology in South Africa. The MarkLives blog site isn’t exactly an example of compelling design, but the posts themselves invariably draw your attention to hidden treasures you’d never otherwise know about.

Even better, on the right hand sidebar of the blog site is a link to Mark magazine. Far more than your average pdf file, this is an interactive fully featured magazine experience. What’s more, the magazine content itself is stimulating, diverse, and interesting. The downside is it runs on a flash player type interface, and I shudder to think how much bandwidth it must chew. But where else will you find a reference to Vivienne Westwood’s ManifestoActive resistance to propaganda (“We shall begin with a search for art, show that art gives culture and that culture is the antidote to propaganda.”) in the same place as an advertorial promoting recent University of Cape Town research on “The Feasibility of Mobile Technology as an Information Medium” (about how much more education needs to be done in South Africa to help mobile phone users there take better advantage of the communications potential the phones have) and this photo of the rubbish bins decorated by five Cape Town ad agencies in an urban design project.

To subscribe yourself for the MarkLives newsletters, email join-marklives [at] emessagex [dot] net.

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