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Liberation war motifs

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Ohh! That incorrigible Chronicle! “Charamba warns MDC” – ‘don’t announce results before end of elections.’ And the Charamba fellow is still referred to as “the Secretary of Information and Publicity”! In whose government we dare to ask? Popular sentiment as manifested in the ballot itself shows to all and sundry that Charamba does not speak for anybody but Bob the former president. Many here are dreaming of a Zimbabwe without a straitjacketed civil servant whose loyalties have been fettered by the liberation war motif, and have already said they will not be stopped from celebrating the dawn of new era.

It is that kind of speechifying that only emboldens the people who inevitably imagine their vote for better life and a new beginning is not being taken seriously and take to the streets to reclaim “people power.” Remember the Orange Revolution that shook these types? No wonder some opposition political parties elsewhere in Africa have gone on the vengeance once they assumed power. It is because of these so-called civil servants who make every effort to go against the grain and attempt to defy the will of the people. But alas to no avail. These are the same people who cry wolf when they are arraigned before the law courts and made to account for the wealth they accumulated during the aggrandisement years when they formed government.

Zimbabweans are ready to see the fossilisation of the men and women who took up arms during the war years. And this not because the neo-Zimbos are sell-outs, but simply because they want to get rid of the neo-colonialists who since 1980 have emerged in the form of Charamba and the regime he has attempted loyally serve all this time – until now!

2 comments to “Liberation war motifs”

  1. Comment by BM:

    When legally did/does Mugabe’s current presidency end… only when a new president is announced or at the end of his current ‘term’? 5 years? from when… date of inauguration? Isn’t he over his ‘use by’ date?

  2. Comment by Dennis Jones:

    Liberation war motifs

    This is the title I read on kubatablogs.net/kubatan/?p=466 respond

    Without punctuation

    I cry to remember the days of my youth in Rhodesia, Zimbabwe-

    Once asked where do you come from ?, I replied, “Zimbabwe”.

    “Oh, les ‘Iles Babwe’, quel bel endroit” etait la reponse. (Sorry for the French but it exists ;-)

    My tear bags are so full that I could flood the neighbourhood (hope my spelling’s right!?)

    If Bob goes I will cry and return to my home town and try to be good for the rest of my life.

    It’s late here and I hope- hope- hope-

    Brothers in arms- Sisters in arms- hug each other- no arms that go bang-

    Too many know them. Just arms to hug and work to pull out the weeds and
    sweat in the fields, to burn midnight lights on the boats on Kariba, sleeping,
    fishing, voting, pambere neZimbabwe.

    And as read on the web (or zeb)
    God bless Zimbabwe ;-)

    DJ, France (place where the new bob (szy) has been placed to break the people)