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Keeping my eye on the prize

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Easter is almost upon us, where did the time go? It seems like we’ve only just taken down the Christmas tree! On the home front the kids and I are busily preparing maps of the garden for our Easter egg hunt, cards for the Easter bunny, cards for everyone who will be joining us for Easter lunch, a birthday card for cousin Stoff whose big day is tomorrow, a welcome home banner for granny who has been in Edinburgh for 6 weeks welcoming the newest addition to the family. Welcome Sean Thomas – although I had hoped you’d give your mother as hard a time as my first baby gave me – colic for 3 months, bags under the eyes and a trigger-happy temper, usually directed at dad. I am all artsy-fartsied out! We’ve done the paper mosaics, the painting, the pointillism (or something like it), the wax and paint, the fabric – I don’t have an original thought left in my head.  All this before I put the menu together. Both my husband and I are hospitality trained so the competition to be inventive is fierce when we decide to entertain. This doesn’t happen often, typically only 4 or 5 times a year; just imagine the production!

Can I also mention, before you think what a weed I am, that parallel to this artistic and culinary explosion, that the gate has stopped working. Beeper, electrics, lights and all. The roof over the spare bedroom collapsed (bringing down the fascia boards and the gutters and breaking several tiles – which, I discover are no longer in production, and I am blithely told to re-do the whole roof, it’s only about $30,000 – pocket change!). Then I drove over Daniel’s bicycle (one fairy wheel badly damaged, mom’s reputation irreparable – oh the accusation in those eyes!). And my oven has stopped working (I suspect sabotage).

Sometimes everything seems to go wrong and it is hard to keep your focus on the things that are really important. So I will try to keep my eyes on the prize – a gathering of friends and family, my children’s squeals of delight as they find their eggs, and a feast to mark the end of Lent – which I have started with a plate full of treats from friends down the hallway. I am eyeing the Cadbury’s Easter egg lasciviously … but I shall force myself to finish my cornflakes first. Must be my Catholic upbringing.

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