Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Its not over until the fat guy takes office

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I went to get some fuel on my way to the office this morning. The petrol attendent asked me whether I’d voted and I said no. He spent the next 5 minutes telling me passionately why I should go vote and why my vote was important. He didn’t seem particularly worried about the vast rigging that’s been taking place, instead he felt that the will of the people would trump any electoral trickery. He also said that it just wasn’t right that a 90 year old man should be governing Zimbabwe. One of his most uplifting observations was that Zimbabwe belongs to us – its citizens – and not the power toting politicians who have chosen to turn Zimbabwe into their personal playground. Finally I said, so what happens when Mugabe claims victory; what then? He said that a Mugabe victory is just not possible this time.

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