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‘I’m constantly learning how to be confident’: Beth Ditto

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Beth Ditto, living life large and proud. This feature from the Guardian is well worth a read.

Clearly, the public fascination with her went way beyond her music, homing in on her evident ease with her body size and shape and her willingness to sound off at the drop of a hat on the issues she felt strongly about, whether it be the iniquities of the fashion industry or the urgency of furthering civil rights legislation. Most simply, she clearly didn’t care. The Daily Mail, for example, once pictured her getting out of a car in slightly inelegant fashion, noting censoriously that “Someone needs to remind Beth Ditto about the rules of stepping out of a car when there are teams of photographers on hand to capture the moment.” It rather fantastically missed the point, which is that she’d have most likely done exactly the same if the entire world’s photographers were there – or not.

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