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Hide those matches

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The Tunisian protests that saw President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali flee the country on Friday after 23 years in power began when a young man set himself on fire after police had confiscated merchandise he was selling on the streets. The demonstrations that followed – and their success in forcing Ben Ali out of power – have sparked similar incidents of self-immolation in Egypt, Algeria and Mauritania.

The Zimbabwean government might well be tempted to ban the use of matches here – to prevent similar protests. But with so many power cuts, how would people light their candles and cooking fires? Hmmm. That might make things worse.

2 comments to “Hide those matches”

  1. Comment by Bev Clark:

    Maybe the government will now issue fire extinguishers free of charge . . . instead of motorists having to buy one everyone will get one free just in case.

  2. Comment by Amanda Atwood:

    Hmmmm. Then again, have you ever tried to light something with those Rhino matches? Maybe they’ve been making non-functioning matches for a reason all this time!