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Harare dump fire – City contacts

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Walking the dogs yesterday, I could see in the distance a massive cloud of smoke. It looked like it was coming from the direction of the Pomona dump, and I wondered how big the fire must be, and what it must be like for residents closer to the dump, if the thick smoke was so distinct and heavy on the horizon even from 9 kilometres away.

Bev Reeler’s blog shares the experience of one Harare resident also far away – but clearly downwind from the fire.

And this report from a subscriber tells what it’s like for someone maybe 3 or 4ks away:

8am – Monday 21 October

Just to alert Kubatana that there was a massive toxic burn taking place at the dump on Alpes Road over the weekend. The burn started on Sunday morning and has not relented yet.  The fire was so great that the smoke from it blocked out the sun.  We are over on Bryden Road, and the smoke has reached us.  It causes headaches and dizziness.

Thanks to this subscriber, here are some relevant contacts for the City of Harare to get in touch with about this fire, and also for similar issues in future:

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