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Give a helping hand in Zimbabwe

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Its amazing how much life can about one’s self. We can be so consumed on what we don’t have and what we would never have. But we never take stock of what we have. I fell in that category until a few days ago when I went to a presentation on Chiezda Child Care Centre. I tell you I was moved and challenged at that moment I realized that life sometimes has to cease to be about me and what I don’t have or what I wish I had. There are children in that center that have experienced life beyond their young ages. This is where the center comes in to try and help them realize that they can be more than just orphaned people. Though the center doesn’t have boarding facilities the children are offered food on a daily basis after school. They are also taught different life skills. For example the children are given the chance to play soccer while others are exposed to sewing and raising poultry. Unfortunately the current political and economic situation has taken its toll on the centre. The centre has not escaped the limited funding and scarce donations. Like I said before I was challenged and have stopped thinking of only myself. I am going to consider other people and be involved in making a difference in at least one person’s life. I would like to encourage you to take time go visit these child care facilities and you will be surprised at how much you could do in changing someone’s life. Your help doesn’t have to be monetary – your presence can inspire those children to hope and dream beyond being just a surviving orphan.

One comment to “Give a helping hand in Zimbabwe”

  1. Comment by James Taurai Nyamajiwa:

    Thank you my sister for the observations,I also used to think like wise until when I went on a fact finding mission on the streets of Harare about street kids.Our young people have gone through insummountable challenges at times and some end up opting to give up.I would encourage people including myself to move in to offer assistance to those in need in areas of our abilities.everybody has something to give,be it your words of encouragement or resources.June is fast approaching and leaving it to donors is not good enough.One blanket will count,the words God loves you will,your smile will so as your attention while they speak.People lets remember that its not what the community can do for us but what we can do for the community that matters.Let’s give our future the young orphans hope,life and purpose by not giving them just fish but fish hooks as well.Hope next time you will remember to consider others .To Zanele I say thank you for making a difference by writing this article because quite a number of reasonable people are going to act.