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Get involved – Be a story telling volunteer

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Harare City Library is looking for volunteers to read to children (13 years and below) on Friday afternoons.

You can read the stories and observations of one library reader volunteer at this blog

The storytelling programme would also benefit from good story telling books for children, a few cushions, old bits of carpet and a soft chair or two.

Harare City Library is also encouraging new subscribers, for an affordable quarterly/annual fee and there are still a lot of books to read on the shelves. Bring your kids along too. They will love it.

There is the main (central) library on Rotten Row, and five branches: Mount Pleasant, Mabelreign, Highlands, Greendale and Hatfield.

HCL is looking for volunteers at all of the libraries, and hopes to get at least 3 branches up and running with regular readers/storytellers for Term 2.

Don’t be nervous! They can give you some support to get going and even a story telling session from a local resident and HIFA regular.

Spread the word, and if you’d like to volunteer, or if you have books or other items to contribute, please email info [at] kubatana [dot] net and let us know.

Like the HCL Facebook page

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