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Farmers cash in on tobacco as famine digs in

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An estimated figure of 2.2 million people face food insecurity in Zimbabwe. Weather conditions and unavailability of inputs are squarely blamed for this looming disaster. In a nation where almost everyone is now a farmer it’s a sad development to hear reports of imminent starvation whilst tobacco auction floors record high yields of the crop. Funny how our farmers are now opting to invest all their inputs to grow cash crops like tobacco leaving out cereals which make up our staple diet. We can blame inputs and weather for causing hunger to our nation but the fact is simple farming is a business. No farmer is willing to invest in maize when s/he knows that the paycheck will come the next farming season when prices of all inputs have gone up. Late payments and very low producer prices have left farmers with no option but to go for a kill in the golden leaf. Some are now venturing in horticulture where short season crops with a ready market bring in quick returns. Almost every year the nation is now stretching its begging bowl to neighbors to avert starvation on the backdrop of the much-hailed agrarian reform.

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