Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Facebook vs real experience

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From a friend:

One of our senior managers spoke over a beer. At the age of 17 he lived with his family in their kraal. Each night his father would talk of the ghosts that lived amongst them – mainly just outside their hut. He had a tension – the ghosts versus this lovely girl at the next door kraal. He decided the ghosts were his father’s way of curtailing all post-sunset antics and decided to confront them. According to a plan around ten at night he “snuck” off . Out in the moonlight he was soon at the target hut where he pulled on a string. She let him in. The string was attached to her wrist and threaded through the thatch of the hut. This allowed her to sleep until he arrived and all that followed could take place in silence. By 4am he was back on the dung hardened floor. Now we have Facebook.

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