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Due date for payment

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The postal service is pretty much kaput in Zimbabwe. Only very occasionally will I find something in my post box. Saturday was one of those days. I retrieved a City of Harare bill from the cobwebs.

The billing date: 31st August 2008
The due date for payment: 12th September 2008
Date received: 25th October 2008
Amount due: 28097538481133 (no spaces)


The bill cites services such as refuse removal – ha, ha, when last did that happen? Like a year ago.

Apparently we have a new Mayor.

Yahooooo. Anyone out there?

One comment to “Due date for payment”

  1. Comment by Bill Kinsey:

    Equally as amazing … you were able to open your post office box. Despite having a receipt dated January 2008 stating payment has been received for one year’s rental, my PO box is now firmly locked so that I cannot open it. I am now expected to accept this breach of contract [on what authority remains a mystery] and to pay the new quarterly rents … starting immediately.

    But one question is: What is happening to all the mail they are now failing to deliver to houses or allow to be removed from PO boxes? There must be a mountain of it out there somewhere.