Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

A reason to stay and fight

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I want the life I was promised as a child.
I do not want to go to another country,
to live like a foreigner,
a second class citizen
who doesn’t speak the lingo,
understand the subtle nuances of
that culture, that language,
THOSE people.
I want to celebrate MY Heroes Holiday,
not just go through the motions,
because really, its a public holiday and what else is there to do?
I want to feel safe when I walk the streets,
of MY country,
and not live in fear
of harrasment because I’m a woman;
of violence because of my political, religious or social beliefs;
of hunger when I work like a slave;
or poverty because no matter what I do, its never enough.
I want to see an end in sight,
a reason to stay and fight,
other than this is the land of my birth.
Its not enough anymore.

One comment to “A reason to stay and fight”

  1. Comment by clayton marange:

    this is great.no many of us want to go out of our motherland.that is why they say…east ,west blablabla but home is best.though it is not much we have gained than some guys who took the diaspora way, I still feel deep rooted in my people and have truly suffered for it.being a person who believes in hope than despair,lets just give whatever is happening some chance.we will get there I believe.