Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Africa Day 2013: SMS Slogans

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To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Africa Day, we invited our subscribers from around Zimbabwe to send us an SMS slogan, and win one of two t-shirts generously donated by graphic designer and generally fun and funky guy Baynham Goredema.

We received nearly 1,500 slogans from across the country, which ran the gamut from silly to serious. So it took some doing to choose our two winning slogans, but eventually we did:

  • Africa, our Africa. Laugh dictators and oppressors away. Ha ha ha.
  • Africa stop chasing democracy: Ride it!

Where we could connect our subscribers to a location, we mapped them, to show the voices for Africa Day pouring in from around the country:

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You can view the map full screen – and click on points to read different subscribers’ slogans, and zoom in to see some of the denser areas close up.

You can download the full list of slogans here.

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