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Zimbabwe took fourth position at the 2012 Enactus World Cup

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Zimbabwe representatives Midlands State University came out fourth at the just ended 2012 Enactus World Cup tournament (formerly SIFE Worldwide). The Enactus World Cup is a showcase of the impact that Enactus teams are achieving around the world and brings together an international network of student, academic and business leaders. The tournament is held once a year with competing teams being drawn across the world to showcase their community outreach projects to a prestigious group of international business leaders. This year’s tournament was held in Washington DC in the United States of America (USA) and 39 countries took part. Belmont University of USA is the winner of the 2012 World Cup followed by Egypt, India and fourth place Zimbabwe.

One comment to “Zimbabwe took fourth position at the 2012 Enactus World Cup”

  1. Comment by prosper kufamuni:
